Programme or Method - What was the most significant factor in Hitler's rise to power?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
It has to be agreed, that combined, the programme and methods used by Adolf Hitler were both contributing factors in his rise power. However, it must be argued as to which was most significant. There is considerable evidence to suggest that the methods Hitler used were pivotal in his rise to power, with his passion for the country and oratory skills capturing peoples support and hearts, whereas there was always controversy surrounding the programme he …

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…argued that Hitler's methods were the greatest contributing factor to the rise of Adolf Hitler. His fanatical and extremist views were not completely seen by the public at the time. This, evidence suggests, was partly due to the poor state of Germany at the time, with many of the public feeling betrayed by government and also Hitler knowing what to say, how to say it, when to say it and who to say it to!