Problems of Modernization in Developing Nations

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Problems of Modernization in Developing Nations The economic situation which exists in the developing world today, is the result of the relationship between the modern, and developing nations of the world. Modernized nations benefited from this relationship because it gave them access to natural resources. However, because of this relationship, many developing nations now suffer from severe problems. These nations are attempting to change the situation in which they struggle. A political cartoon I have …

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…in which nations within the developing world have attempted to change their situations. In conclusion, the economic situation which exists in the developing world today, is dependence on the industrialized world. They are dependent because they need a market for their resources, and the products of industry. This situation contributed to problems such as political instability, and rapid urbanization. Developing nations are attempting to change these situations through the promotion of economic diversity, and education.