Problems of Drinking

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Problems of Drinking It is often assumed that problem drinking is only a problem for the drinker. This may be linked with the idea that all problem drinkers are "alcoholics" or heavy-end dependent drinkers who live on the streets and are isolated from normal social contacts. Both of these stereotypes are very far from the truth. The vast majority of problem drinkers are in employment. They may be dependent drinkers or binge drinkers or people …

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…oice, at least initially. Some alcoholics come from families with no drinking problems while some children of alcoholics never drink at all. Alcoholism is a disease that will last throughout the lifetime of an alcoholic. The power of the cravings felt by an alcoholic for another drink are as strong as the cravings we feel for food and water. Health issues, family pressure, or even legal problems will usually not stop an alcoholic from drinking.