Problems in Ireland. This was really hard to write because well, Ireland has NO PROBLEMS. With Bibliography.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
The Republic of Ireland has been a country filled with troubles over the whole course of history. Conflict started off the second half of the twentieth century because of its problem with terrorism from the Irish Republican Army, or IRA, who just in 2002 apologized for its actions. Although the IRA is considered peaceful, its political party, Sinn Féin, is still found active promoting its views (CIA). Adding to the country's problems, …

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…May 2004 <>. "Terrorism: Q & A." 15 May 2004. <>. Trauth, Eileen Moore. The Culture of an Information Economy: Influences and Impacts in the Republic of Ireland. New York: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000. "Voice of the Irish People: A Great Day for Europe and the Irish People." The People, London. 2 May 2004. E-Library. 10 May 2004 <>.