Problems Facing Hill Sheep Farmers

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
1) Hill sheep farmers lose $4000 a year under the proposed schemes. 2) According to the new plan it restricts the numbers of sheep and cattle kept on the hills and moors return for $100 million a year in governments subsides will affect some of the poor farmers of the land. 3) Farmers financial suffering reasons as follows: Low cattle prices due to beef crisis. Slump is sheep Lamb prices causes by strength of pounds Sluggish exports. 4) The report recommend …

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…Poor farmers, they are spending their whole life in the farm and getting only minimum benefits. In this case if the government cut short the subsidy - what benefits they get. Every year lots of sheeps and cattles die of disease and accidents. So the only source can help this farmers is the government only. In this situation if the government cut short the subsidy - low much problems this poor farmers have to face.