Problem Solving Essay

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Where have all the nurses gone? To put it bluntly- when a student on campus at Hagerstown Community College gets sick, they're screwed. This campus has no medical facility. No licensed nurse. Not even a referral to a local clinic is available. The only way a sick or injured student is going to get any medical treatment is if they are an athlete, and even that will be nominal at best. Why? What would possess …

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…it be more spend thrifty to hire a nurse who makes under thirty thousand dollars a year, rather than finance a multi-million dollar building designed for lounging and watching television? We have the ARCC for that! Hmmm, safety and well-being, or Looney Tunes and Pizza Hut? Could this be why sixty percent of small colleges across America have a resident nurse? Whatever the solution, it needs to be done quickly too, for 'tis the season.