Probably the Only Canadian Student Essay Written about Barry Goldwater in the Past 30 Years.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
BOOK REPORT Barry Goldwater: Extremist of the Right. Many might say that the 1960's were a decade of extremism, whether it was the Vietnam war or the Civil Rights movement, there was always something going on, which resulted in vastly different opinions from the American public. In 1964, smack dab in the middle of America's most radical decade, Barry Goldwater, emerged as leader of the Republican party, a man who has now been forgotten by time, …

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…similarities to that of Mike Harris and other neo-conservative governments across Canada. These leaders are also controlled by big business, and do what ever they can to ensure they have enough funding for there next campaign. A perfect example of this is the Privatization of Ontario Hydro, it seems strikingly similar to the privatization of Tennesee's Hydro System, which Goldwater so publicly supported, and in both cases the only people who benefit are big business.