Private Novel Assessments "The Dead of the Night" By John Marsden

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Character Profile: Name: Ellie Linton Age: 16 Family Background: Ellie came from a caring, loving and close Australian family unit. She was an only child and the family lived and worked on a farm. They cared for her very much and she realised that, appreciated it and returned the care they gave her. Main Physical Traits: Ellie is about 5 foot tall, has dark brown hair, is slim and has a light complexion. Favourite Sayings: - Main …

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…thick bush. The reason they called it Hell was that the bush confined them and simple things became very hard with their lack of facilities. It is important to the development of the characters as they are always with each other and have to learn to live with each other. They also relied on each other to live. They all changed in different ways and learnt many life skills, which greatly help them in Hell.