Prisoners of War - Chapter 12

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
I slowly opened my eyes, the light peering through my window giving me a headache. I moaned and rolled out of bed feeling weak and sluggishly walked to the bathroom. As I walked I felt a bubbling in my stomach and started running, getting inside and vomiting in the toilet. I moaned leaning back and letting my head lean over the wall of my tub. I groaned hearing the phone ring, and after flushing the …

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…of place went to the room beside the TV. It seemed like this was his bedroom, and she could smell pot in the air. Looking directly to her right she saw a small dresser with a roach on it. She picked it up and smelled it. "What the hell...?" She grabbed the lighter and lit it. She took a tiny puff and started coughing. "****! Son of a *****." She ran back outside and started shaking Chris.