Principles and Functions of Management.

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A vast number of employees every year leave their jobs because of the following reasons: poor coaching and feedback, work-life imbalance, poor carrier opportunities prospects, lack of confidence in senior management, etc. However, for some reason, managers fail to acknowledge these factors; instead they prefer to concentrate on wage as a prime motivator. In reality a variety of factors come into play and contingency, chaos, systems, and other management theories have to be adjusted in …

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…A9783-2002Jul27&notFound=true date accessed 9.09.2005 Blonder,G. "Understanding A New World of Uncertainty And Risk." Business Week October 8, 2001 A2 Malhotra, Y "Why Knowledge Management Systems Fail" BRINT Institute 2004 date accessed 9.09.2005 Mescon,M. "Management" 3-rd ed. Harper and Row, Publishers, New York, 2002 Wolfe,I. "Three Motivation Mistakes Managers Make" Success Performance Solutions April 6, 2005 issue of The Total View date accessed 9.09.2005