Pride & Predudice

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Importance of Having Kitty In Pride And Prejudice, by Jane Austen, each one of the Bennett daughters has a purpose. Jane is used to create conflicts between Darcy and Lizzy through her relationship with Bentley. Lizzy is used to create a major conflict between herself and Darcy as well through her loyalty to her family and her opinionated personality. Lydia is the black sheep of the family, who rebels against her family, putting them …

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…play a major role in the plot, she plays an important role to the characterization of several characters, mainly Lydia and Mrs. Bennett. She allows readers to get a more in-depth look at the characters and see them for whom they really are. Through the similarities of their unladylike qualities Mrs. Bennett, Lydia, and Kitty reveals to reader that young ladies need ladylike role models so that they them selves will become proper young ladies.