Pride and Prejudice

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Pride and Prejudice During the time period of Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice the institution of marriage was considered to be crucial to a woman's survival. There were very few financial options available to women that existed during the 1800s and marriage was a definite way a woman could secure her monetary future. Most single women, unless born into money, were destined to be poverty stricken. Although women do not face the problems to the …

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…and never having a husband or raising children is still, in many ways, looked down upon. Economically and socially it is not supported. Marriage has always been something that defined someone's character and has been something women have planned to do in their lives from the beginning of time. Whether in the 1800s or in the year 2000, marriage has always been the most essential and important institution a person could ever enter into. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**