Pride and Prejudice

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Pride and Prejudice This story was set in a place called Longbourn, England sometime during the Napoleonic War. I believe that the main conflict in this book is not exactly between two people, however there are issues of concern regarding the loss of self-sovereignty, snobbery and the English class struggle. In my opinion the climax was when Mr. Darcy proposed Elizabeth. The protagonist is a girl named Elizabeth Bennet. Elizabeth is intelligent and clever. It …

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…little bit past my vocabulary I was able to follow along, because I past the 5 word test. The novel is a slow moving book which gives it the deep down feeling that great books always have. The characterization was quite believable because much of it was based on her past experiences. All in all this novel was not the top novel in my book, however a good book for people that are into that genre.