Pricing Analysis.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
Assignment: Choose one of the following products/services: Books, computers, CDs, banking, investment services, or insurance. Research the pricing of your selected product/service at three different point-of-purchase locations (e.g., online, retail chain, single-line specialty store, or discount store). Assess the rationale for pricing at each point-of-purchase location. Introduction Price is the only one of the four Ps that produces the revenue. According to Kotler, "in setting a price a Company follows a six …

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…features from sales person. Promotional offer at all the three different location is different. Conclusion Thus, price policy is a crucial positioning factor and it is decided in relation to the target market, it's product and service assortment, and its competition. Most retailers would like to charge high markups on lower volume and mass merchandisers with low markups and higher volume. References Kotler, Phillip. Marketing Management Millennium Edition (10th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Custom Publishing, 2000.