Pretty decent biography of charles dickens

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
 Charles John Huffam Dickens was born February 7, 1812, in Portsmouth and spent most of his childhood in London and Kent, both of which appear frequently in his novels. He started school at the age of nine, but his education was interrupted when his father, an amiable but careless minor civil servant, was imprisoned for debt in 1824. The boy was then forced to support himself by working in a shoe-polish factory. From 1824 to 1826, Dickens again attended …

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…blacking factory. He also had a tough times at the schools of the time which he also wrote about in his books. <Tab/>Charles Dickens accomplished much through his writing, and is still loved throughout the world. His death was a shattering blow to the world in general, but his works have stayed alive. They continue to amaze people with their stories and how they changed so much of the world.