Pretend You are Ali

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Essay Database > History
The names' Ali, or once known as "The Greatest". If you're wondering about my name, it was Cassius Marcellus Clay but later I changed it to Muhammad Ali. Many boxers change their names only theirs were meant for a nick name, mine was based on my beliefs. I went from a slave name to a Muslim one, even though not everyone agreed with me, it really wasn't their choice. I'll get into that in a …

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…she was only six years old. I just wanted to say that in a magazine I once saw the words; "Ali has inspired millions worldwide. He gave people hope and proved that anyone could overcome insurmountable odds. He gave people courage, and made fighters of us all. This is Ali and never comes another". Those words touched me, making me feel that my career was worthwhile to many. Thank you for that. So...any questions?