Pressures of College

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Many people imagine college as a simple time in life for students to be carefree and have fun. In actuality, the majority of students are bogged down in school work rushing to meet deadlines and cramming for exams. Therefore, this is normally a highly stressful period for most people. Students face several pressures as they enter the college realm, such as peer pressure, self-induced pressure, parental pressure, and economic pressure. Peer pressure is the most …

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…not interested in. This has caused some students to give up college altogether. These four pressures prove that college is not always as simple as it seems. Pressure can be helpful or harmful. It can serve as either a motivation to excel in school or it can be a discouragement towards their studies. All of these pressures are an important aspect on how individuals respond to a whole new world of studying for their future.