Pressure Groups

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Why people join pressure groups: It is common to find people joining a group that has a "sectional" interest, i.e, one which is concerned not with the whole of society but with one section of it e.g Trade Unions Employers Federations like 'Arts Alliance',professional Groups like the Australian Medical Association or Cultural association like 'The Muslim Women's Association' or the 'Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby.' Other people join groups with ONE …

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…the Franklin River in Tasmania. Right now a large pressure group is conducting a campaign called 'Buy Right' which is trying to change the archaic Tasmanian laws that limit the freedom of individuals. Specifically, the laws encourage the persecution of homosexuals and lesbians. The pressure group is trying to convince people from the Australian mainland and indeed the international scene to stop buying Tasmanian products as a means of protest against the above mentioned laws.