Presidents of the United states of america

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Essay Database > Law & Government > International
WILLIAM MCKINLEY William McKinley, Republican and 25th President of the U.S. was the son of an Ohio ironmaker. He enlisted in the Civil War at age 18. He quickly rose to captain and by 1865 was made brevet major. McKinley went on to study law, serve in the House of Representatives from 1877-83 and become governor of Ohio. In 1896 he won the presidential election from William Jennings Bryan over a gold standard issue. Though he was …

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…the Reagan administration for eight years. A major Bush accomplishment was the 1991 summit meeting and subsequent signing of the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) with Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev. The same year Bush ordered American troops to the Persian Gulf to free Kuwait from an invasion by Iraqi President Sadam Hussein. Domestically, Bush's popularity decreased sharply due to a faltering economy and after 12 years of Republican reign, Bush lost the 1992 election to Democrat Bill Clinton.