President Power

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The President as Chief of State In every government there is a ceremonial head of the government who is the symbol of all the people in the nation. As Howard Taft put it, "The personal embodiment and representative of their dignity and majesty"(McClenaghan, pg. 316). That person is the Chief of State or more commonly known as the President. One of the main factors that cause the presidents to be viewed as a symbol of …

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…amnesties in cases of impeachment. Third, the articles that discuss peace treaties and peace talks refer to the diplomatic provision of the Constitution. Article II, Section3, talks about receiving Ambassadors and other public ministers. And the articles that discusses the President attending a space shuttle launch illustrates how he is involved in function that are not government related. Meaning that he supports his country's endeavors although he does not "have" to... Bibliography