President Kennedy's Unsolved Murder

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
Ask anyone old enough to have been alive in November of 1963 where they were when President Kennedy was shot, and they'll most likely be able to recall. There is no doubt the events that took place that day in Dallas shook the Nation. Americans wanted answers, but they lost many when two days after their president died his suspected assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, died too, fatally shot by Jack Ruby. Now, almost 40 years later the …

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…trust the government, it's a good idea to keep digging for the truth; especially since there is still so much misinformation out there. In Microsoft Encarta's short summary of the JFK assassination two massive errors appear. Within the description it states "...two shots were fired...Kennedy fell forward..." With such obvious oversight in professional reference material one must come to the conclusion that, yes, it's quite worth revisiting the facts when such fallacies still exist.