President, Chester A. Allan

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President Chester Alan Arthur Chester Alan Arthur, (1829-1886), 21st President of the United States. He is remembered as the political spoilsman who surprised his country with an honest administration. Arthur supported and signed into law the reform Civil Service Act of 1883, which established a merit system of appointment to federal employment. Early Life Chester Alan Arthur was born in North Fairfield, Vt., on Oct. 5, 1829. His father, William Arthur, emigrated from Ireland and, after teaching in …

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…New York City of Bright's disease. Aside from the quality of his administration, Chester A. Arthur will be remembered for being the most elegant and best-dressed president, in whose closet hung some 80 suits. Nicknamed "The Gentleman Boss," he read Scott and Thackeray, was an inveterate fisherman, enjoyed parties, and had an epicure's taste in food and drink. Handsome, dignified, and genial, he was a conscientious administrator, but never an inspiring leader of men. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**