President Bush's Advantage over Senator John Kerry

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
This year's Presidential candidates are well respected due to their past experiences in political office. George W. Bush, the current president of the United States and Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts, have interesting ideas for their campaigning in this year's election. The Republican Party remains extremely confident that President Bush will be reelected due to the weakness of the Democratic candidate, John Kerry. President Bush has done his best to complete his promises as President …

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…on many of the nation's principal issues will bring upon his immediate downfall. President Bush will become reelected mainly because of his opponent's inability to have the stronger hold on the nation's most important issues. Works Cited 1.<Tab/>Barnes, Fred "Advantage Bush" The Weekly Standard: 2 February 2004 p. 13 2.<Tab/>Rosenbaum, David and Toner, Robin "In Senate, Kerry Focused on Inquiries, Not Bills." The New York Times: 8 February 2004 p.1