Prescription Drugs - Against

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
All Medicines, whether obtained over the counter, or on prescription, are drugs. The fact that they are legally and freely available doesn't mean that they are always beneficial to health. One of the major drug problems in our community today is the misuse of prescribed and over the counter medicines. Non-prescription pain relievers are analgesics that can be bought without a doctor's order (prescription). Non-prescription medicines can be dangerous if misused. Because non-prescription medicines like …

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…other natural alternatives to relieve pain, is the safest and risk-free way of controlling pain. We are living in a drug taking society where drug abuse is a serious issue. Not many people are aware of how serious it is. Drug abuse is so serious because it has physical and psychological affects that are fatal. Because of the fatal results drugs can have on the body people need to educate themselves and never misuse drugs.