Premarital Sex

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Essay Database > Literature > English
As you may have read in my history article, my school routinely made us listen to teachers and speakers tell us why sex was a bad thing. Now, if you're a Christian proponent of the "no premarital sex" stance, I've probably just triggered you to say, "We don't think that sex is bad! We think that it's beautiful; that's why we want to save it until marriage." Sadly, this argument is purely subjective. There is …

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…What two gay men do in the privacy of their own home doesn't hurt anyone or violate anyone's rights. I may consider it repulsive, but it really is none of my business. So, to sum up, if you want to be a moral person, give a homeless man a few dollars and tell him to go to McDonalds and get himself a meal. Don't fool yourself into thinking that there's morality in abstaining from sex.