Prejudice in CNN Reporting

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The question has always been raised whether or not CNN portayed its views in a biased way. Recently this has been a debated topic abroad where they feel they constantly show American imperialism.Bush to 'seek approval' from Congress on IraqPresident: 'Saddam Hussein is a serious threat' resident Bush met with lawmakers at the White House: "Today the process starts about ... our future and how best to deal with it." WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Calling Saddam …

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…of State Colin Powell said Wednesday that the Bush administration believes inspectors should return to Iraq, but is skeptical that they will be allowed to do their jobs. He said that Bush, when he addresses the U.N. General Assembly September 12, will say, "Inspections will be an issue, but it is not the primary issue. The primary issue is: how do we get Iraq to comply with its obligations under these various U.N. resolutions."