Prejudice and discrimination against minorities; comparison to Staten Island incident. Includes bibliography.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
When a person hears the word prejudice, he or she might think it only refers to the racial prejudice often found between those with light skin and those with dark skin. However, prejudice runs much deeper than a person's skin color. Prejudice is found among gender, religion, cultural and geographical background, and race. People have discriminated against others based upon such hatred. Our society is riddled with a strong sense of hatred based upon people's …

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…different culture. "Sociology" looks at prejudice and discrimination in a more general sense, covering a vast range of topics. Whereas the article has a more detailed and narrow focus, looking at a specific type of discrimination. Each piece emphasizes the issue of prejudice and discrimination; however, the book gives the reader a glimpse into the background of the two ideas and the article offers an example in which both ideas are applied in a situation.