Prejudice and Diversity in "Gallipoli" directed by Peter Weir starring Mark Lee and Mel Gibson.

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"Gallipoli" is a story about two young men who sign up to join the ANZAC or Australian and New Zealand Army Corps during WWI. Both are runners but from a different background. Archie is a farm boy and perhaps one of the fastest runners in Australia and Frank is a drifter who goes from town to town trying to trick people out of their money. After meeting after a race they decide to travel together …

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…with women there to please them for barely any money at all and being able to play a good game of rugby every now and then. Egypt is shown as a beautiful place. Last name calling is used during the movie. This is seen when Frank and his friends are making fun of the British by getting an eyepiece and one of the little sticks that they carry around and talking like British people do.