Prejudice: Can Human Nature be Resolved?

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Prejudice: Can Human Nature be Resolved? Prejudice has existed in our world from mankind's primitive beginnings. In the early development of human civilization communities have always faced the divisive issue of intolerance. Consequently, numerous people blame their personal as well as economic misfortunes on an abundance of different groups. People create scapegoats using prejudice as an excuse. Prejudice will always exist in our society as long as people are free to think and speak their …

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…as the world, the problem of prejudice must urgently be confronted and resolved. In addition, clashes in various cultures and beliefs will inevitably occur with the emergence of new innovations made more available through communication technologies such as television and the Internet. How can societies live in peace with their neighbors if they do not even understand them? We need to communicate with each other for the pure survival of our civilization's future. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**