Predjudice and Liberty

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Prejudice and Liberty Throughout Canadian history there have been some bleak circumstances in which harm has been done, whether physical or emotional, unto certain habitants based on inequitable laws within the constitution. In particular, the "white women's labour laws" and Bill C-36 have persuaded prejudices to occur within communities. These predispositions have been based primarily on ethnic backgrounds and to some extent on gender. The cause of such inequity can generally be found in the …

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…way of ideal democracy, it can be considered beneficial by the way of preventing harm. In the same way, the white women's labour law was intended to prevent the damage of public morality. It must be noted, however, that certain limitations must be put in place in order to prevent morality from overcoming democracy. Fundamental freedoms must exist in order to ensure the ability of the economy to conquer the obstacles that still remain ahead.