Pre-employment Screening
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Pages: 4
(approximately 235 words/page)
Pages: 4
(approximately 235 words/page)
Essay Database > Business & Economy
There are several methods used by employers to screen job applicants. All human resource departments screen job applicants differently; some use traditional methods such as structured interviewing and some use more up-to-date methods such as, situational interviewing and personality testing. Employers need to compare methods for screening job applicants so they can choose the method that best fits their company's needs. Employers need to be cautious in the methods they use because they could cost
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Want Personality Profiles of Job Seekers: Knight Ridder-Tribune Business News. Retrieved from the Web 03/21/02. Parsons, C. (1999). Assessment of applicant work values through interviews: The impact of focus and functional relevance: Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. Retrieved from the Web 03/21/02. Barrick, M. (2000). Accuracy of interviewer judgements of job applicant personality traits: Personnel Psychology. Retrieved from the Web 03/21/02.
Want Personality Profiles of Job Seekers: Knight Ridder-Tribune Business News. Retrieved from the Web 03/21/02. Parsons, C. (1999). Assessment of applicant work values through interviews: The impact of focus and functional relevance: Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. Retrieved from the Web 03/21/02. Barrick, M. (2000). Accuracy of interviewer judgements of job applicant personality traits: Personnel Psychology. Retrieved from the Web 03/21/02.