Pragmatism Versus Idealism Book Review on Gone with the Wind

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Since its publication in 1936,Gone with the Wind became and remains one of the most popular novels of all time. It received the 1937 Pulitzer Prize. And the film version of it released in 1939 stands as one of the most magnificent accomplishment in American filmmaking. The story, and the characters have become a part of American cultural heritage. Here I would like to give a brief review of this splendid legend. 1, Author Its writer, Margaret Mitchell …

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…their world gone, they found themselves deserted in a strange, hostile world, feeling useless and helpless. On the other hand, Scarlett and Rhett, practical and realistic, who always decide what constitutes success by instinct, finds the most effective means to succeed, and does not consider concepts like honor and kindness, thrives by determination and courage. 4, Conclusion Facing with the change of civilization, the idealism is defeated and faded while the pragmatism thrives and prospers. 806 words