Powerplay in Shakespeare's, 'Antony and Cleopatra'

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Antony and Cleopatra Throughout the play, Antony and Cleopatra, the charactors' use and manipulation of power have certain impacts on their decisions and their lives. Right from the outset, the audience is made aware of certain plays on power and the impact this has on the delicate relationships in the play. The plays theme of power play circulates mostly around the politics surrounding Antony and the Triumvirs and Antony's relationship with Cleopatra and the impact …

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…keep the peace Antony agrees to marry Octavius' sister, which would cement the men's allegiance to one another. The impact of this not only helps strengthen ties between Octavius and Antony but also weaken the relationship Antony has with Cleopatra in Egypt. In conclusion, power play plays a pivotal role in not only the plot but more importantly on the impact on the charactors and how this develops the story and issues within the play.