Power and Oppression- In the Skin of a Lion

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In the Skin of a Lion by Michael Ondaatje is a story about the lives of immigrants and their struggles in the building of Toronto. Instead of finding a better life in Canada, they find themselves out of place and oppressed by the richer class who control them and try to assimilate them, "'The rich keeps you in tunnels', Alice said to Patrick " (Ondaatje, 132). Nevertheless, the immigrant workers continue to try to escape from these "…

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…draws one's sympathies for the workers. Not only so, but it also makes one truly appreciate and not take for granted the creation of Toronto. It tells the pathetic but true story behind our great city. <Tab/> Works Cited List Book Source Butterfield, Martha. "The One Lighted Room In the Skin of a Lion" Canadian Literature, Issue 119, winter 1988, pp.164 Article Source Cunningham, Valentine. "Men at Work". The Observer. London:23 August 1987, pp.24