Power Politics, What makes a strong State

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Power Politics: What Is A Strong State What is Power and how does it apply to geography? According to P.J. Taylor (334) "Power is the ability to be successful in a conflict; this maybe overt through force or the threat of force; or covert through non decision-making or structural advantage". The term power will be used to discuss how the United States can be described as the most dominate hegemony of the past century. Power …

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…is now the most powerful nation in the world. it has the political power to influence other countries. It has the economic structure to supply a war machine that is second to none. Lastly it has a currency that every other country compares itself to. Taking all that into consideration I can now say - If you have the power you can influence any country any way you with. The United States has the power.