Poverty and a Lack of Education are Fueling Juvenile Crime A 6 page essay arguing that juvenile crime is directly related to poverty and poor education.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Poverty and a Lack of Education are Fueling Juvenile Crime In the early 1960's, the epidemic of juvenile crime began to take shape. The problem of juvenile crime is becoming an increasingly pressing matter in America. Anyone who watches the news on television or reads the newspapers is well aware of the urgency and intensity of America's juvenile crime problem. Effectively establishing the causes of juvenile crime may help to deter it in the future. …

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…Elliot, Delbert. "Environmental Factors Contribute to Juvenile Crime and Violence." Juvenile Crime: Opposing Viewpoints. Ed. A.E. Sadler. San Diego: Greenhaven, 1997. 83-94. Hall, Gus. "Capitalism Causes Violence." Violence: Opposing Viewpoints. Ed. Scott Barbour. San Diego: Greenhaven, 1996. 120-125. Parcels, Erik. "Capitalism Fosters Gang Behavior." Gangs: Opposing Viewpoints. Ed. Charles Cozic. San Diego: Greenhaven, 1996. 41-45. Ryerse, C. Thursday's child. Child poverty in Canada: A review of the effects of poverty on children. Ottawa: National Youth Care Network, 1990.