Poverty and It's Role in the Justice System.

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Poverty is one of the biggest factors, socially and economically, in today's society. "Some Canadians who are especially vulnerable to high rates of poverty include, lone-parent mothers and their children, Aboriginal people, people with disabilities and immigrants who are visible minorities."1 The result of poverty can lead individuals to be unable to provide for their children, poor health, inappropriate housing, and criminalization. Distributive justice plays an important role because all of these individuals do not …

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…all Canadians. Endnotes 1 National Council of Welfare. Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada 2001. http://www.ncwcnbes.net/htmdocument/reportcostpoverty/Costpoverty.html 02/02/2003 2 Women and Poverty Kit: Educating for Systemic Change. End Legislated Poverty, March 2001. p.14 3 Women and Poverty Kit: Educating for Systemic Change. End Legislated Poverty, March 2001. p. 16 4 Women and Poverty Kit: Educating for Systemic Change. End Legislated Poverty, March 2001. p. 16 5 Women and Poverty Kit: Educating for Systemic Change. End Legislated Poverty, March 2001. p. 19