Postpartum Mood Disorder

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
Postpartum Mood Disorder Extreme sadness and crying, shame, anger, lack of self confidence, suicidal thoughts, and infanticidal thoughts - these are feelings not usually associated with the birth of a child; however for 400,000 women a year, this is the reality of the postpartum period. It is estimated that one in three new mothers will develop symptoms of postpartum mood disorders. Postpartum mood disorder is a mental health disorder striking within the first year of giving …

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…and support the disorder can be successfully managed and in most cases cured. Most mothers, who have successfully fought their way through this terrible illness, don't look back and feel grateful for their experience. They have suffered a grave loss, time in their newborn's life that can't be given back, but looking forward, they usually find a supportive family, a new outlook on life, and a sweet baby patiently awaiting their return and loving touch.