Postmodernism and Cybersex
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Words: 2137
Pages: 8
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Pages: 8
(approximately 235 words/page)
Essay Database > Science & Technology
Gravitating around the epistemological and psychological spheres, postmodernist theorists, amongst other things, make two fundamentally crucial claims when discussing twenty first century computer mediated communications (CMC).
The epistemological claim is that the search for the ultimate foundations of knowledge, for depth and mechanism, is futile. Postmodernism is an anti foundationalist philosophy in the sense that it denies that there can be such a thing as transcendent, perfect knowledge. Instead all knowledge claims are justified by
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as readily as a quotation from the Bible or Shakespeare. Every source appearing on the screen has the same weight and credibility as every other; no authority is "privileged" over any other. And from this authorless, stanceless self appropriated world, the sexual - what was once the intimately personal and psychological- has managed to traverse temporality, space, the very virtualities of reality to rest in an abode teetering on the edge of the transhumanist dream.
as readily as a quotation from the Bible or Shakespeare. Every source appearing on the screen has the same weight and credibility as every other; no authority is "privileged" over any other. And from this authorless, stanceless self appropriated world, the sexual - what was once the intimately personal and psychological- has managed to traverse temporality, space, the very virtualities of reality to rest in an abode teetering on the edge of the transhumanist dream.