Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Many of the inmates that we have seen often have one diagnosis that is intertwined with their major problems: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). How do we effectively help these people recognize and deal with the traumatic events in their lives so that they can deal with PTSD and possibly prevent this disorder from manifesting into further psychiatric problems? Someone with PTSD may experience unwanted memories when exposed to certain stimuli; …

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…lt;Tab/>Meet the clients basic needs by addressing fatigue, hunger, loneliness. *<Tab/>Establish trust by assuming a positive, consistent, honest, and nonjudgmental attitude. *<Tab/>Communicate clearly and honestly. *<Tab/>Help your client to realize that his/her symptoms are common reactions to stressors. *<Tab/>Help your client feel that they are not responsible for their disorder.