Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: The War Within

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder I keep replaying the event in my head over and over again. The pain from these visions are intense. I am scared to fall asleep, because the nightmares are worse than the visions. I struggle through the night only to get to the next day. My fears are still here. It is hard to deal with people. I can't have friends. I get through the day avoiding most people, including my …

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…Not only PTSD sufferers, others feel the symptoms as well. It is the combination of traumatic events and terror the victim lives; that guides this disorder to its nature. The way it is treated is common among most other types of disorders. The group therapy, professional counseling in conjunction with the last resort of drug therapy is the ways that we deal with PTSD. It is a disability, another obstacle that gets in the way.