Positive and Negative Ways of Decision-Makers Dealing With Sensitive Multicultural Issues.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
In the last century, it is well recognized that Australia in the post-war period has received an impressive diversity of immigrants from a multitude of nations. People from all over the globe have settled onto Australian shores bringing with them, their life experiences. Due to these facts, Australia is known to be a multicultural society; very diverse in ethnicity, culture, age, gender, race and class. Religion has been one important variety which immigrants have brought …

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…Religion versus Human Rights, OpenDemocracy Ltd, [online] http://www.opendemocracy.net/debates/article-5-57-689.jsp [accessed on 27 / 09 / 2003] Bouma, G.B., (1994) Mosques and Muslim Settlement in Australia, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Monash University, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra. Department of Infrastructure. (1996), Understanding Planning: Your Guide to Planning in Victoria. 2nd ed. Melbourne: Minister for Planning and Local Government. Sandercock, L. & Kliger B., (1997) Multiculturalism and the Planning System, Department of Landscape, Environment and Planning, RMIT.