Positive and Negative Advances in Biotechnology. Positive and Negative advances dealing with cloning,stem cell,genetic experimentation, and also "designer babys" are covered in this essay.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Positive and Negative Advances in Biotechnology Biotechnology and the research associated with it have become an issue in which people either support, or are against. Technological advances in this day and age have given scientists the ability to do things that were only dreamed about in the past. Research has given them the ability to find cures for diseases, to allow people to live longer with new medications, and also to solve crimes that may …

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…some of the biotechnological advances not related with medicine or crimes are okay, but they should be strictly regulated. There should be some sort of ethical code of conduct of what should be allowed by law and what is not. We are in an age for many great advances, before its too late we should consider what is necessary to research. What is the difference if a child has blue eyes versus brown eyes anyway?