Position paper on why babe ruth is the best baseball player of all time.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
What makes a baseball player great? His statistical record's? His impact on the game to date? His impact on his team when he was playing? The answer to all these questions is most definitely yes. I have researched six baseball players, all thought of as some of the greatest to ever play the game. The six players I researched were Ted Williams, Barry Bonds, Willie Mays, Mickey Mantle, Hank Aaron and of course, Babe Ruth. …

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…Series, and lost. Also the era in which he plays somewhat devalues his amazing statistical accomplishments. There are issues of performance enhancing drugs and questions of him using them, and obviously he should not be considered the greatest player of all time if he is in fact using such things. The last player to consider is Willie Mays. He played with the Giants from 1951-1972, and from 1972-1973 he played with the New York Mets.