Position Paper - Moral Psychology

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Can a series of experiments prove empathy results in genuine altruism? Some psychologists think so, while some critics challenge the idea as sexist. In the text Contemporary Business Issues with Readings, Reading 3 discusses what motivates us to be good, bad, or indifferent to one another, and the moral psychology involved in our actions towards others. In preset situations discussed in the reading, individuals act in different manners with different outcomes with regards to helping another …

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…unfortunate, but very common, scenario was not considered in these experiments and tests. The controlled environment of the research left no space for wildcards, such as that discussed above. Decisions made by people are not always based on morality issues, or due to empathy. There is always an exception to the rule, a basket case that was left unaccounted for. In my opinion, the motivation for our actions ultimately is driven by our own conscience.