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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
As a term of political description, populism is one of the most frequently misused words in the English language. It signals a politics of resentment mean spirited and incipiently violent. As commonly employed, populism appears as a term of condescension, vague and formless but no less evocative in the disdain it projects. In recent years, this characterization has undergone full-scale revaluation in the wake of a broad array of new evidence as to who the …

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…on it their own country. If the leaderships is constantly broken apart with disagreements and war. There would be no use of the word "leadership". Populists are to prove the government wrong in there unrightous ways. A Totalitarian Society would be an example, it a strict control of all aspects of life. One believe that the U.S before use to be in that sort of society because of the treatment of ethnic racial discrimination.