Population Crisis
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Pages: 1
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Essay Database > Literature > English
There is controversy as to whether or not limits to human growth are the limits of human imagination. Many people believe that because resources are limited, once they are used up our species will become extinct. This statement is partially true, but one could argue that the present level of science and technology today will allow humanity to evolve and achieve more that they possibly imagined. To show this, one must examine the effects of
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putting the earth's natural resources in danger. The high population createsa higher demand for natural resources such as coal and fuel. As a result, this higher demand will cause a fluctuation in the cost of some of these resources. As these prices increase, the people living in the LDC's will suffer greatly because they will not be able to afford it. The earth's resources are essential to human survival and without them humans will perish.
putting the earth's natural resources in danger. The high population createsa higher demand for natural resources such as coal and fuel. As a result, this higher demand will cause a fluctuation in the cost of some of these resources. As these prices increase, the people living in the LDC's will suffer greatly because they will not be able to afford it. The earth's resources are essential to human survival and without them humans will perish.