Population Control

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Population Control Human population has been increasing since the beginning of humanity. Never had we had to ask ourselves how we should control population, until this last century. I'm sure that even you have noticed a difference since you were a kid. You can notice the difference when you go to schools and or go to the malls and notice there are larger amounts of people there then there was before. A lot of changes …

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…populated planet. I think if we all do our part and have ! government participation, not only can we control population, but we can also increase the quality of human life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** Sources TIME magazine, Special Edition, Earth Day 2000. Spring 2000 United Nations Population Fund 5 June 2000 <http://www.unfpa.org/> Getis, Judith You can make a difference. Wm. C. Brown Publishers, 1991. Miller, G. Tyler, Jr. Environmental Science: Working with the Earth. 7th ed. Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1999.