Popularity of soccer in U.S. is growing up.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Popularity of soccer in U.S. is growing up T/F True, soccer is the fastest-growing sport in America and the most popular sport internationally. Seas of ink and tons of paper have been expended around the world for years commenting on the fact that, though soccer is unquestionably the most popular sport in the world, Americans have for decades resisted its charms and paid it almost no heed. This neglect has usually extended even …

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… the first round. Portugal is one of the strongest teams in the competition and thus the U.S. will probably need to beat Poland in order to have a chance of proceeding to the next phase. Surprisingly, the U.S. is currently ranked 13th in the world, ahead of many South American and European teams that have more of a tradition in this competition, showing that soccer in the U.S. has grown tremendously.