Popular Sovereignty:Aristotle,Plato,John Stuart Mill

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
<Tab/>Aristotle names popular sovereignty and individual liberty the two characteristic principles of democracy, and he expresses them, in language similar to that of Plato, as incompatible with the stability of the existence moral and political order: "Men think that what is just is equal; and that equality is the supremacy of the popular will; and that freedom means the doing what a man likes. In such democracies every one lives …

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…a great way to sum up the thoughts of John Stuart Mill, "Pervasive confusion over the nature of government and freedom has opened the gates to perhaps the greatest, most widespread increase in political power history. If we are to regain and safeguard our liberty, we must re-examine the tenets of modern political thinking. We must reconsider the moral presumptions and prerogatives that have allowed some people to vastly expand their power over other people."